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Millie - Labrador x Cocker Spaniel


Born 07.04.13


Millie was my first gundog, she is a cockerdor and is 11 years old.

We had a late start to gundog training and didn't start training with Riverlily until she was two and half but once we started we didn't want to stop!


I have had a great time training Millie to work in the beating line as well as becoming part of my picking up team on shoots. She is a great game finder, loves hunting and will get into any bit of cover whether there is a bird or not!


Millie is super driven, loves to retrieve, hunts hard and always wants to please.

This season just gone even at the age of 11 she did more than 30 days out... showing the youngsters how its done!


We have entered a few Charity Working Tests and also competed her in fun obedience and agility competitions.

Millie and Cooper Gundog Demo
Millie getting 1st Place Novice Scurry at the Game Fair 2017

"Millie - 1st Place Novice Scurry at The Game Fair. July 2017"

Millie and I winning the Riverlily Charity Working Test 2017

"Millie - 1st Place ND/NH Riverlily Charity Working Test.  September 2017"

Millie getting 2nd Place in Novice at Little Offley Charity Working Test 2018

"Millie - 2nd Place Novice Little Offley Charity Working Test. May 2018"

Millie getting 2nd Place in Novice at GWCT Working Test 2018

"Millie - 2nd Place Novice GWCT Working Test. June 2018"

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