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Training Opportunities 

121 Training Sessions 


These can be booked during the week or some weekends or evenings. These sessions can be used as one off sessions to see where you are at in your training or work on specific areas or can be booked on a regular basis for as many sessions as you like.​


Use the contact page below or email to book.


Group Training​


Puppy - these sessions are for puppies aged 6 months and under to learn the basics of heelwork, recall, sit/stays, good puppy manners and beginning to retrieve.​


Beginner - these sessions will progress on from the puppy classes looking to proof and strengthen what you have learnt already, introducing the whistle and start formal retrieving.


Novice - these sessions will focus more on the retrieving and handling aspect of gundog training and look at what handlers might want to achieve and where they would like to advance in their gundog training journey.

This could be more advanced and technical retrieves, learning about going on shoots and working in the field or aiming to go go down the Working Tests route.


Advanced - these sessions are for dogs and handlers already taking part in Working Tests or working on shoots, looking to brush up their skills in the training field, sort out any problem areas ready for next season or tightening stopping, handling and working on technical retrieves.


Use the contact pages below or email to book.


Workshops ​


Themed Workshops - These sessions could be relating to specific elements of gundog training to target and improve such as steadiness, delivery, heelwork, straight lines, directions, stop whistle or hunting.

Keep an eye out for themed workshops below.


General Training - These sessions cover a range of retrieving scenarios aimed at Novice and Advanced levels.

Shot may be used in these sessions.


Puppy Workshops - These sessions are aimed at trainees with young dogs wanting to start their training journey, the sessions will cover a mixture of the basics such as heelwork, recall, sit/stays, good dog manners and puppy retrieves.


Use the contact pages below or email to book.



General Training Workshop

1. 30 hour 



Spaniel Workshop

1. 15 hour 



Puppy Workshop

1 hour


121 Training Sessions

1 hour



Novice Group Training

Saturdays 9.00 - 10,00



Novice Group Training

Saturdays 10.15 - 11.15



Novice Group Training

Saturdays 11.45 - 12.45



Puppy Group Training

Saturdays 1.00 - 2.00


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